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Unfinished History

Historical Essay

"I was there..."

Primary Source


by James Sobredo, Fall 1997, excerpted from "From Manila Bay to Daly City: Filipinos in San Francisco" in Reclaiming San Francisco: History, Politics, and Culture, A City Lights Anthology

by Pete Holloran

Pages consist of a photo, or series of photos, and text, with optional video and audio. Please limit the size of your imported photos or images to around 375x500 pixels or around 95 KB.

Please make captions bold and photo credits in italics.

The International Hotel on Kearny Street was the last part of Manilatown.
Photo: Eddie Foronda

Presidio clarkia (Clarkia franciscana)
Image: Margo Bors

Haight & Clayton: 1994
Photo: Gaar Collection, San Francisco, CA

Aquatic Park
Drawing: Harper's

if photos come from the SF Library use this language:
Photo: San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library


To be included at end of article, after the Prev. Document Next Document navigation links

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Main Categories will fall within one of these areas:

+ Time (Decade or special year)

+ Geography (Neighborhoods)

+ Themes (like Labor, Dissent, Power and Money, etc.)

+ People (like Filipino, Latino, etc.)


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Please include videos at end of article, above Prev. Document Next Document


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